12/07/2022 Calgary, Canada
Stampede in Calgary

So what is the first thing where your boyfriend takes you when you just arrived in Calgary, Canada? Of course: Stampede – the biggest country festival worldwide. We already went to Stampede last year but I’m still amazed by how everyone is living the cowboy-style. Also, how come every Canadian owns a cowboy hat and cowboy boots?
Stampede Breakfast

Stampede Breakfast includes pancakes with maple syrup (what else?), bacon and eggs and was really tasty (and worth waiting in the line for 1.30 hours in plus 30 degrees). By the way this breakfast is held all over town by different communities and by the Official Calgary Stampede and the food is all for free. Pretty hard to understand for a German girl who is coming from a country where you even have to pay for public toilets and public parking – 1:0 for Canada.

It was also so great seeing Blake’s dad, his sister and her two kids again at the breakfast place.
Meeting family and friends again

After that we visited friends of Blake’s with their one-day-old baby (!) and went to a BBQ at a family friend’s place afterwards.
So, no time for jetlag for me 😉.
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