Visiting two ruins
We woke up in a very cold van in the middle of some forest near Pfronten. Besides being totally on our own at this car park thanks to the stranger from the night before who suggested this camping spot to us (this sounded creepy but I meant it in a positive grateful way), we discovered two ruins close by on a hill that we hadn’t even heard of before: Ruin Hohenfreyberg and ruin Eisenberg that were both only a five minute walk apart from each other. We were the only ones at the ruins so what comes to our mind first when we’re there on our own?! Of course: playing hide and seek! Kids will be kids… What did you think?! Both ruins were impressive and we had a great view from there over a little Bavarian town and the German alps and even Schloss Neuschwanstein.
the ruins from above playing hide and seek he found me

Having made it back to our car, we took the German alp street back to Füssen (we had already passed it on the way the night before, but thought we might regret not visiting it at all; hence the weird order). Füssen is mainly known for its close location to Schloss Neuschwanstein (the Disney castle), but we think it has so much more to offer: such as a very colorful cute old town that even has its own castle above the city.
Scheidegger Waterfalls
Finding a way to get in
Following the German alp street into the “right“ direction again, we passed a lot of beautiful nature with white mountains, green fields and lots of quaint towns on the way until we got to the Scheidegger Waterfalls about half an hour away from the Bodensee, our final destination on the German alp street. Although we had read online that the waterfalls would be closed due to covid, we wanted to be sure for ourselves in person. Well, technically they were closed, but on the other hand it was all outside and if you looked closely, the gate was only half shut… So with a little bit of sucking in our tummies, it was quite easy to squeeze through the gate and still sneak down to the waterfalls for a closer look: as the only ones :-). So weird how this played out.

There were actually two waterfalls (13m and 18m) above each other. You could view the lower one by walking down 237 steps – no problems for newbie hikers like us!
Bodensee – biggest lake in Germany
Final destination on the German Alp Street
After that we arrived at our final destination of the German alp street: the Bodensee, which is the biggest lake in Germany. We parked at a car park with 3 other vans (finally my dream of having van buddies from the start of the trip became true) and even a public toilet right by the lake (that we only found out about the next morning – what can I say: this is what van life does to you, you become tough..or just lower your standards…). I was a bit sad on the one hand that a major part of our road trip was coming to an end but also quite excited about the next chapter on this road trip in the state Baden-Württemberg (spoiler alert: it will include not just one, but two showers – lucky us!).
Previous Day: Day 7: Garmisch-Partenkirchen – Eibsee – Oberammergau – Pfronten
Next Day: Day 9: Bodensee – Offenburg
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