31/12/2022 Calgary
The end of 2022
How is it the last day of 2022 already? Wow, what a year! At the end of the year I usually do a reflection of the past year and I can confidently say: This year has been one of the best ones yet!
A walk in Bowness Park

Today Blake, his dad and I drove to Bownesss Park for a little winter walk. The setting of the park was amazing: the pond was frozen and filled with ice skaters. All around you there were fire pits to warm you up. A path for cross country skiers was laid out and another one for walkers and people with snow shoes – it all looked amazing!

Early New Year’s celebrations
In the evening Blake’s family came over to Erin’s (Blake’s sister’s) place. And at 8 p.m. we we had a pre-countdown and a pre-celebration for the kids.

Bye bye, 2022!
After that we went to one of Blake’s friend’s places to have a New Year’s party with Blake’s friends who he had known since elementary school. Again, we put on our Santa masks and surprised all of them.
Since we made seeing family a priority this time, we hadn’t really had the chance to see any of Blake’s friends. So it was great to meet that many of Blake’s friends all at once for New Year’s. We got home at 3.30 a.m. which was quite the “achievement” if you think of the many early nights we had on the road in South America.
Happy New Year!

01/01/2023 Calgary
A relaxing morning

The new year started off with a long sleep in and a cozy day inside the apartment.
Later we went back to Blake’s sister’s place for dinner and some more play time with the kids.
One last time in Bowness Park

Once it was dark outside Blake and I went to Bowness Park again with Blake’s parents, his sister, her husband Michael and their kids. At night it looked even prettier with all the nice Christmas lights wrapped around the trees and the bon fires on the snowy ground.

02/01/2023 Calgary
Moving day
Besides wanting to spend Christmas with Blake’s family, the main reason why we decided to come back to Canada was Blake’s dad. Unfortunately, he has been feeling a bit worse since we left Canada in July. This is why Blake and his sister had decided to have him move in with Blake’s sister. So today was moving day. Just what you want on your last day in Canada 😉. But we were all the very efficient moving all the furniture – the German in me was happy 😉.
A (late) traditional Christmas family get together
In the afternoon we all went to the yearly family get together from Blake’s mom’s side of the family for some tasty curry and even more (Christmas) gifts.
Hope to see you soon again, Canada

When Blake finally finished packing for the second half of our world trip at 10.30 p.m. (after a whole day of packing and moving), we went over to Erin’s place to stay the night there and to have one last catch up with her and Michael.
At 1.30 a.m. Blake and I fell asleep knowing that the alarm will wake us up again in 1.5 hours. It’s going to be a fun travel day tomorrow…
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